The State Review process engages diverse stakeholders across government, environment, and industry to conduct evaluations of volunteer state oil and gas environmental regulatory programs and develop State Review Reports. These reports identify both program strengths that merit special recognition and potential regulatory gaps, and provide recommendations for improvement.
The State Review Process is governed by STRONGER’s Rules of Participation. STRONGER offers a menu of Review options to States, based on the Guidelines. Reviews may encompass one Guidelines topic, a selection of topics, or all topics. Follow-Up Reviews identify actions taken by a state in response to recommendations from a prior review. As STRONGER is continually updating the Guidelines to maintain pace with regulatory developments and changes in the industry, Follow-Up Reviews may also evaluate a state against new and updated Guidelines topics.
State Review Reports are snapshots in time of a state’s regulatory framework for oil and gas development. Viewed as a complete body of work, Reports paint a picture of the continuous improvement of the states’ oversight of oil and gas development. To date, 24 state programs accounting for regulatory oversight over 90% of U.S. domestic, onshore production have volunteered for at least one State Review, with many programs volunteering for multiple reviews.
Learn more about the State Review process.Click on a state highlighted in green on the map below to see that state’s review history and associated reports.

State Review Overlay

Past Reviews Map